Donate To Jed Child Trust

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Bank name: Guaranty Trust Bank

Account name: Jed Child Trust Foundation

Account number-NGN: 0684863402

Account number-USD: 0699616291

Account number-GBP: 0699616301

Account number-EUR: 0699616318

Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

Thank you❤

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

Thank you❤

J E D   C H I L D
  T R U S T
Pernia Butt
Jed Child Trust

Team profile

Co-Head of Digital Marketing

Pernia Butt

Pernia uses her skills in problem-solving and ability to overcome hardships to work in different areas of business. She has experience in digital marketing, executive human resources, and direct marketing, among others. She is currently earning her bachelor’s degree in Economics from the National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad. She has also proven her skills in language and communication, leadership, public speaking, and so on. As the assistant head of the digital marketing team for the Jed Child Trust Foundation, she hopes to use this opportunity to grow as a person and use her skills effectively.


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