Donate To Jed Child Trust

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Bank name: Guaranty Trust Bank

Account name: Jed Child Trust Foundation

Account number-NGN: 0684863402

Account number-USD: 0699616291

Account number-GBP: 0699616301

Account number-EUR: 0699616318

Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

Thank you❤

J E D   C H I L D
  T R U S T
Jed Child Trust

Team profile

Head of Jed Club

Solomon Adebola

Solomon has proven to be a certified educator and administrator with over five years of work experience in educational and non-governmental organizations. He has worked in places such as Teach for Nigeria, the Boy Child Initiative Network, and so on. He holds a Master’s degree in Educational Administration and is currently on his way to getting his Ph.D. degree in Educational Administration at Obafemi Awolowo University. He has shown his passion for advocating for educational equity and social inclusion. He has also proven to be a goal-getter as he supports and mobilizes young people for socio-community impacts. Solomon is the coordinator of the Jed Club.


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