Donate To Jed Child Trust

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Bank name: Guaranty Trust Bank

Account name: Jed Child Trust Foundation

Account number-NGN: 0684863402

Account number-USD: 0699616291

Account number-GBP: 0699616301

Account number-EUR: 0699616318

Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

Thank you❤

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

Thank you❤

J E D   C H I L D
  T R U S T
Tayo Adebusuyi
Jed Child Trust

Team profile

Head of Programs

Tayo Adebusuyi

Tayo has developed an interest in creating an impact within his immediate community. He is currently a volunteer at the Jed Child Trust Foundation, where he uses his work as an opportunity to put his skills to good use. He also uses his passion for creativity, where he has built experience in graphic design, video, and web editing, to help create awareness for those in need who have been deprived of education. He is pursuing his Bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering at the University of Abuja. When Tayo is not designing, he loves to play video games, learn and write poems and articles. Tayo is the head of digital programs.


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