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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Bank name: Guaranty Trust Bank

Account name: Jed Child Trust Foundation

Account number-NGN: 0684863402

Account number-USD: 0699616291

Account number-GBP: 0699616301

Account number-EUR: 0699616318

Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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J E D   C H I L D
  T R U S T
Jed Child Trust

Teachers' Workshop

Teachers' Workshop

The Jed Teachers Workshop is an initiative aimed at developing the knowledge and competences of Head teachers/teachers on pedagogical skills in rural areas of Nigeria, through training about techniques and methods of proper record keeping and strengthen the capacity of teachers on the techniques of guidance and counselling. This program is development hand by hand with the Jed Unequal Sensation program. The frequency of this program is monthly.


  1. Identify the communities and schools in the operations area.
  2. Visit the school to evaluate teachers’ conditions (number of teachers, supplies needed, social and economic conditions of teachers, methods, tools for classes).
  3. Analyze the collected data.
  4. Acquire and prepare the school supplies for teachers, and the training materials.
  5. Prepare the material for teachers’ workshop, exercises, trainings and digital mentoring.
  6. Design and schedule the workshop. Organize the volunteers’ team, defining roles of each member.
  7. Execute the workshop visit according to the plan, including:
    • Train teachers in preparing schemes of work, lesson plans and lesson notes in different subject areas.
    • Give teachers a variety of instruments methods for effective lesson delivery in practical situation.
    • Build their capacity on the concept of multi-grade teaching techniques.
    • Acquaint teachers with issues relating to rural areas for the effective teaching and learning process.
    • Improve pedagogic skills
    • Develop self-confidence in teachers and also give them knowledge to understand basic child psychology aspects.
  8. Elaborate the information of the workshop visit.
  9. Measure the impact of the activity, with another visit to the school and community.

The Jed Teachers' Workshop is organized in partnership with YesTech. YesTech is a technology company that provides various educational services including on-demand electronic learning throught their YesU and YesLMS facilities to educators, facilitators and educational institutions alike.
Visit www.yestech.club or www.theyestech.com for more info.

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