Donate To Jed Child Trust

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Bank name: Guaranty Trust Bank

Account name: Jed Child Trust Foundation

Account number-NGN: 0684863402

Account number-USD: 0699616291

Account number-GBP: 0699616301

Account number-EUR: 0699616318

Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

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Your donation goes towards funding the education of over five thousand African children.

Thank you❤

J E D   C H I L D
  T R U S T
Jed Child Trust

Unequal Sensation

Jed Unequal Sensation

The Jed Unequal Sensation is a tag for our Outreach programs to schools and communities. The purpose of Jed Unequal Sensation is to improve the educational conditions for elementary school children in suburban areas in Nigeria, trough the visit of schools and communities by our volunteer team, offering children and teachers motivational speeches focused on empowering, and school supplies. Also, to bring scholarships for kids who demonstrate academics strengths. The frequency of this program is monthly.


  1. Identify the communities and schools in the operations area.
  2. Visit the community and school to evaluate its conditions (number of students and teachers, school supplies needed, social and economic conditions of students, academics records, others).
  3. Analyze the collected data.
  4. Acquire and prepare the school supplies for kids and teachers, and the scholarships.
  5. Prepare the material for student’s dynamics, speeches, didactical activities.
  6. Design and schedule the outreach visit. Organize the volunteers’ team, defining roles of each member.
  7. Execute the outreach visit according to the plan.
  8. Elaborate the inform of the outreach visit.
  9. Measure the impact of the activity, with another visit to the school and community.

The purpose of Jed Unequal Sensation is to improve the educational conditions for elementary school children in suburban areas in Nigeria, trough the visit of schools and communities by our volunteer team, offering children and teachers motivational speeches focused on empowering, and school supplies.

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